wildwise enterprises cic


In recognition of the lack of diversity in this field in 2019 we created a community interest company, WildWise Enterprises CIC, to expand and scale up our provision of nature-based mentoring and training programmes, and to secure funding to make them more accessible to a wider audience.  By specifically targeting those groups of people who are less likely to consider nature connection programmes or less able to access them (for example, due to physical, cultural or socio-economic reasons) we hope to increase the impact of our work and to impart the benefits more widely. 

WildWise Enterprises CiC is a not-for-profit community organisation created to skill and develop outdoor leaders and mentor young people. We offer a wide range of vocational courses, year long outdoor leadership programmes and short professional training courses ranging from 1 to 4 days.

As a not-for-profit social enterprise limited by guarantee, the CiC was not established, nor is run, for private gain, profits or assets and any ‘surplus’ generated by our work is maintained within the business to reinvest in the development of further programmes.  

“This is one of the best days of my life since coming to the UK, I feel free and able to be myself”


What we are doing
Why we do it

Mentoring Programmes for 11-17 year olds that support boys and girls to cross this vital life threshold in a supported and mentored way using nature-based practices. These programmes include nature-based experiential learning, skills development from the bushcraft and fieldcraft syllabus plus mentoring and coaching support. 

For more info see our Youth Programmes page

There is increasing evidence of the rising pressure on young people that is manifesting in complex physical and mental well-being challenges. At the same time there is also evidence that modern, nature-based rites of passage programmes can offer a vital support through this life transition. WildWise Enterprises now seeks to extend the benefits of these programmes to communities who might otherwise not find them accessible for financial or cultural reasons.

Developing programmes for 16-25 year olds to support and nurture young people through this life transition. The programmes are a curated experience that includes deep ecology, natural science, movement practice, camp and bushcraft, nature awareness, reflective journaling, storytelling, poetry, ceremony and creative writing.

For more info see our Youth Programmes page

The world is changing fast and the challenges are mounting for young people to develop resilience and forge pathways into an increasingly uncertain future. The possibilities for making a difference and leading an extraordinary life, however, have never been greater. Our programmes will galvanize the potential for wholehearted and purposeful engagement with life and society and help steer a clearer course through the moral maze of career choices and vocational aspirations. WildWise Enterprises now seeks to extend the benefits of these programmes to communities who might otherwise not find them accessible for financial or cultural reasons.

Community leadership training programmes that inspire and empower people to become nature connection leaders and mentors within their community. Our programmes empower and support people to become ambassadors for a new way of connecting to people and planet within their community. The programmes include deep ecology, earth education, fieldcraft, bushcraft, night walks, naturalist study, canoe-trips, ceremony and storytelling.

For more info our Leadership Training page

As we seek to move towards a more regenerative culture in our communities we need more people who are supported and enabled to take a lead as nature connection leaders and mentors. There is significant evidence that the practical and cultural barriers to doing this in many communities are great. Our programmes will specifically be designed to work with people from deprived communities; BAME ethnic groups; and those with physical challenges and limitations in ways that mean we can co-create a new form of nature-connected leadership in communities not previously well served across the UK.

Developing links with Devon based youth organisations and schools to offer targeted youth programmes. 

Since 2020, we have been using National Lottery funding to run outdoor nature connection programmes for young people in South Devon. We have worked collaboratively with Space Youth Services and King Edward VI Community College in Totnes, plus The Princes Trust to recruit groups of young people, many of whom had not spent much time outdoors before or had little or no experience of nature connection and its benefits.

One of our most experienced leaders, Tom Wigston, has overseen the project and delivered several series of nature-based group sessions including wood craft, shelter building, foraging, canoeing, storytelling, outdoor games etc. These not only armed the young people with a range of practical outdoor skills but also helped to boost self-esteem, generate a sense of community and provided support to them at what is often considered to be a challenging stage of development. 

Consistently feedback has shown that our Wild Tribe, Go Wild!  and Nature Works programmes have been warmly received and we are delighted to see what impact these experiences can have on young lives. 

Developing links with Devon based community organisations to offer programmes for adults & families

Organisations that currently support many of the client groups we are trying to reach have the knowledge and experience to guide the development of provision and to support recruitment and sustained participation. Developing relationships with these organisations is therefore one of our priorities.

Since 2021 we have been working with Devon & Cornwall Refugee Service offering bespoke nature connection experiences for their clients.  This included bushcraft days and monthly canoe trips on the River Dart, mostly supporting young men but sessions were open to families to enjoy too.

Clients of DCRS are usually awaiting outcomes of Asylum claims, with very little disposable income, limited transport options and no or limited access to green & wild spaces. We have utilised our funding to make nature connection  possible to boost physical and mental wellbeing and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. 

Seeking to increase the number of people we work with who are from groups/communities that are under-represented in the outdoor industry and adjusting our policies to support that. People from under-represented groups are more likely to participate and feel welcome if they are reflected in the workforce and in the wider group. We will actively encourage applications from under-represented groups and seek to expand our networks to support greater diversity.


We are delighted to share the news that we have just secured 2 more years of National Lottery funding to support and expand access to our nature based programmes. We are now busy planning for programme extensions and new programmes for this year and next…




We are seeking to expand our provision and to connect with organisations in Torbay and South Devon with whom we can collaborate to improve access to what we do and to ensure local communities get the benefit. 

We know that, for some, there are barriers to accessing green spaces and joining outdoor programmes. This might be for physical, logistical, socio-economic or cultural reasons.  Please get in touch if: 

  • you have a group of clients, young people or adults who could benefit from nature connection experiences outdoors or
  • you would like to work with us collaboratively on developing a project and/or securing funding
  • you are a funder and would like to invest in our programmes
  • you are a commissioner looking to commission a bespoke programme
  • you are a parent/guardian looking for advice

**ITC Certificate in Outdoor First Aid**

Outdoor Leaders – is your First Aid training up to date? Booking now for places on our Sept 25-26 course near Holne on Dartmoor  Details here