Wildwise family camp

“The camp was absolutely wonderful. I can’t recall a holiday I’ve enjoyed more. It’s made a deep impression on us all. I have personally been deeply stirred by the experience and feel a strong call for more – all of it: the nature awareness, the peace, the tribe feeling, the conversations, the music, stories, circus skills, crafts. We’re definitely up for coming again!” 

-Rob, Family Camp 

WildWise Family Camp

event Profile

1-6 AUG 2025
Age Range


We invite you and your family to join us on for a restorative and relaxing break in a beautiful wild location. With a diverse programme of (optional) activities for you and yours to dip into you will have no worries about keeping the children (or busier adults) occupied. 

The kinds of things we might expect to get up to include wildlife watching, bat-detecting and bug hunting at night, wild-fire making and wild food gathering, silent movement, scavenger hunts, woodcraft, listening to great stories/music around the campfire and of course, to satisfy the most primitive home-makers in us all, den-making!

This week is primarily a holiday for most people and so we aim to strike a balance between doing and being, structure and openness. The day will usually start with a circle-time followed by a group activity session that lasts most of the morning. The afternoon is for play, to join in on a more low-key or craft activity or simply to spend time with your family/friends. There will be time set aside for adult activities, particularly for those interested in acquainting themselves with the bushcraft syllabus and traditional crafts. Typical crafts we include are green woodworking and basket weaving/willow craft; At night we will go for nocturnal walks, enjoy stories and play games that help you feel at home in the dark.

This event is a back to nature experience away from the trappings and distractions of the modern world. It is held at a beautiful and very special wild woodland site on Dartmoor which is completely off grid, such that there is no mains fed running water or electricity. Note that means there are no flushing loos or plumbed showers. There are compost loos on site. We provide drinking water and endless hot water from the fire to wash or to rig up a woodland shower plus there is access to a woodland stream. . 

We recommend, to get the most out of this experience, to leave devices behind but if essential suggest you bring either a portable battery or else solar powered chargers for that purpose. Note however signal in this area is patchy.

Standard Cost:

£275 1st adult/16+ yrs
£225 2nd adult/16+ yrs
£150 per child 5-15 yrs;
Under 5s free

You have the option to pay for your places in full OR pay a £75 reservation deposit (one per family) to secure your family’s booking. See more info in How to Book below.  

What's Included

Essential Information
