bespoke youth mentoring programmes

As a specialist provider of mentoring programmes for adults and young people we can design, develop and deliver specially tailored programmes aimed at, and supporting the needs of, any particular client group. We invite enquiries from funders, commissioners, parents, participants and service users.

youth nature walk dartmoor

event Profile

to budget
dartmoor / south devon
adults & youth
Age Range

WildWise CiC is a specialist provider of mentoring programmes for adults and young people. These include mentoring for outdoor leaders in development, mentoring experienced leaders with a specialist interest, youth mentoring programmes for teenagers navigating the challenges of, and transitions into, young adulthood.

We offer programmes open to public booking but also fund raise, or seek to work with partners with funding, to improve accessibility to mentoring programmes by providing concessions on fees OR by fully funding tailored programmes aimed at specific client groups.

If you would like to discuss what we can do for you, your child or your client group or to refer someone from your service or organisation please get in touch
