The Wild Harvest: a day of foraging and making

Open your eyes to the diversity and abundance of food and medicine that exists in our meadows, hedgerows and woodlands…

event Profile

28 sept
£55 / £20
event type
Age Range
adults & kids


As humans, both our past and future are inextricably interconnected with the plant world. This course aims to bring us into closer connection with the plant world through exploring many ways in which we can form relationships with plants, with a particular focus on food and medicine. We will reconnect with ancestral ways of interbeing with the land by discussing the responsibility that comes with harvesting and using wild plants. As plants nurture us, how can we give back? 

Throughout the day we will:

  • Discuss the ‘honourable harvest’. How do we show respect to the plants we are harvesting and what does sustainability mean?
  • Learn to confidently identify a range of edible, medicinal and ‘useful’ plant species and differentiate these from possible look-alikes
  • Learn how to identify and use a selection of our native tree species
  • Use a range of playful and interactive techniques to help us remember the plants that we meet
  • Harvest wild plants together and look at ways to prepare them. We will drink wild herbal teas, create delicious and nutritious wild food samples, and make a medicinal preparation to take home
  • Discover the folklore surrounding some of our native species

The course aims to open your eyes to the diversity and abundance of food and medicine that exists in our meadows, hedgerows and woodlands. It will leave you with enough knowledge to confidently and sustainably integrate a variety of wild plants into your recipes and medicine cabinets and offer ways to continue your onward learning journey.

Please bring:

  • Clothing appropriate to the weather
  • A packed lunch and water bottle
  • Some curiosity!

The course is aimed at:

Anyone interested in learning more about plants and how we can use them.

£55 adults & 16+ / £20 kids 5-15 yrs / under 5s free

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Come along Sat evening May 25th for a relaxing and family friendly evening  Nightpaddle on the River Dart; or enrol the kids (8-12 yrs) for a fun filled Wild School day in the woods on May 28th.