An invitation to gather in good company as we pause, appreciate and reflect at this darkest and most delicious time of year.  The programme spans 4 Sundays between December and March. 

“Inside everyone is a great shout of joy waiting to be born”

David Whyte

event Profile

3 DEC / 7 JAN /
4 FEB / 17 MAR
£285 / £230*
event type
4 X 1 DAY


Far from the bright lights and madding crowds, The Winter of Listening is an invitation to gather in good company as we pause, appreciate and reflect at this darkest and most delicious time of year. We will gather around a fire in the woods on four Sundays through deepest winter, spanning the descent towards winter solstice and the gradual return of light as we rise towards Imbolc and the hope of spring. Here we will remember that the winter is a place of dreaming, tending and preparing for the light that will return in the spring.

The Winter of Listening is an invitation into a small, conscious community to step into the darkness together. We gather across four days – 3rd December, 7th January, 4th February and 17th March. At the heart of our experience will be the hearth fire, around which we will sit in council together. Through this practice we will connect to the deepest parts of ourselves and co-create a supportive container for one another.

We will

  • Sit in council around the hearth fire, connecting to the deepest parts of ourselves
  • Explore the four elements of a winter of listening through our unique ‘Compass of Winter’
  • Work with nature connection practices to connect us to ourselves and to the land as it too enters its dreamtime.


This is a space for anyone who is seeking to consciously step into the winter, whether you have visions or ideas that need a winter’s dreamtime to bring the seeds to life, or whether you want to feel the warmth of community through the winter months.

Cost: £285 /  £230*  (for all 4 days) some concessions at £230 may be available subject to application


“We have seasons when we flourish and seasons when the leaves fall from us, revealing our bare bones. Given time, they grow again.”
Katherine May, Wintering: The power of rest and retreat in difficult times

What's Included

Essential Information
