mindfulness in the outdoors

“Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.” – Amit Ray

event Profile

4 sept 2024
£85 | £105 | £130*


This training day is an opportunity to explore our own personal relationship to becoming more embodied and present by spending time out in nature.

Held in the beautiful Dart Valley, it can be a stand-alone event for anyone curious about mindfulness practice, as well as being a training module for people interested in leading groups in therapeutic and transformative outdoor work.

Using a blend of mindfulness techniques and guided meditations – while being introduced to simple ways of understanding the nature of the mind – the day will be a chance to cut through any conceptual ideas of nature connection, and to fully immerse ourselves in the reality of switching off our phones, being on the land, and becoming more still. 

Maybe we’ll relax…

or get a little anxious…

or perhaps feel calmer and quieter…

or be reminded how busy the mind can become…

…as being truly relaxed and present is not about controlling how we’d like to feel, but about developing the capacity to be with how things actually are. To become grounded enough and open enough to really touch and welcome what’s arising, as we step away from our usual routines, and venture out into the wilds inside ourselves.

Through their own experiential journey, participants will leave with a simple set of tools – for accessing, centering, and quietening ourselves in the outdoors – that can then be applied both personally and professionally.

* rates for individuals / voluntary-charitable organisations / businesses

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training course Reviews

**ITC Certificate in Outdoor First Aid**

Outdoor Leaders – is your First Aid training up to date? Booking now for places on our Sept 25-26 course near Holne on Dartmoor  Details here